
KE-Pull Cross key Puller - KP20AL

A lightweight cross key and pin puller with a three point harnessing system and is capable of using a 360° articulated pin puller adapter, a low profile pulling fork adapter, a 360° quick pull adapter, or a 360° reverse pull adapter to provide safe, flexible use.

Patented dovetail design allows multiple adapters to be used with a single pull frame. All adapters are placed on the work area and attached to the KE Pull with a dovetail fitting. This reduces the need for heavy lifting.
Rotating adapters allow for locating the best reaction points.

KE-Pull Adapters

360° Quick Pull Adapter

Used when there is room between the key head and the train line

360° Articulated Pin Puller Adapter

Low Profile Pulling Forks

Used where there is no room between the train line and the key

360° Reverse Pull Adapter

Key is removed by cutting off the key head and pulling from the back side

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